Applied period experience of MSc EF student Shaohui Zhang
Hello readers! My name is Shaohui Zhang and it is my turn to share the experience of my Applied Period (AP) at the French National Institute of Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE) in Nancy, France. My AP was relocated to France due to the interruption caused by COVID-19 but I will never regret this relocation! The […]
Applied period experience of MSc EF student Md. Rayhanur Rahman
Despite the current pandemic situation, my Applied Period took place under the Chair of Forest Growth at Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany. I joined as a trainee in KonKlim Project which aims at the suitability of three most economically important coniferous tree species (Norway spruce, Silver fir and Douglas fir) regarding their growth increments to predict climatic […]
Applied period of MSc EF student Lucas Abreu
What is the applied period? The applied period is a part of the MSc EF programme that takes place between the first and the second academic years. It is a great opportunity to put in practice the knowledge we gained during our studies, and also to get to know a new forest institution and to […]
MSc EF programme starts a blog
Our students will start to post their experiences about studying in the MSc EF in this blog. We hope that you find this blog interesting!