Simon Fleckenstein“I would truly recommend the programme for anyone who is open minded and wants to learn about different cultures, while gaining a solid academic foundation.”
Basanta Gautam“Many opportunities to learn about European countries and their forest management practices.”
Alain Joseph“The MSc EF programme has opened doors for me around the world and will help me further my career and enjoy my private life.”
Zsuzsanna Peter“A fairy-tale or more like a dream – well trust me it was how the whole journey felt.”
Our students graduate with an amazing network of alumni. During studies, our students become acquainted with a number of academic experts around Europe. Additionally, each course itself is composed of people of various nationalities hence facilitating the students’ abilities to adapt to working in a multicultural environment.
The European Forestry secretariat and the Erasmus Mundus programme aim to promote the professional and personal networking of its alumni. Students and graduates of the programme may join us in the MSc European Forestry Alumni group in Linked In or become a member in the Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association (EMA).