The Biophysics research group, founded as Biophysics of Bone and Cartilage (BBC), is globally one of the leading research groups in cartilage and bone biophysics and engineering. The group has extensively contributed to basic, applied, and clinical research of musculoskeletal diseases during the past 20 years. More recently, globally recognized research has also been made in biomedical spectroscopy, neuromodulation of muscle activity and neuroplasticity, and in the development of diagnostics of obstructive sleep apnea.

Published items per year

Times cited per year

Publications: 925
Total times cited: 24 040
Citing articles: 13 211
Average citations per item: 25.99
h-index: 74

Source: Web of Science
Updated: February 19th 2024

10 most recent publications from Biophysics research group (PubMed):

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