Call for abstracts 2023

Suggest a presentation for the Conference of Effectiveness Research 

We invite you to submit an abstract for a 10-minute oral presentation or a poster presentation for the Conference of Effectiveness Research. Presentations can be based on current or recent research. We welcome qualitative, quantitative, and theoretical as well as methodological approaches of effectiveness. In addition, presentations on experimental and intervention studies are welcome. Suggestions of whole thematic sessions (including workshops) are also welcome. 

Thematic sessions for oral presentations: 

  1. Effectiveness of care and health services
  2. Implementation research
  3. Methods and study designs of effectiveness research
  4. Evidence-based practice and recommendations
  5. Effectiveness of decision making and legislation
  6. Social and economic sustainability
  7. Effectiveness of social work and social services
  8. Effectiveness of health and well-being promotion
  9. Own session proposal


Abstracts length of 300 words should include the purpose of the study, the research questions / hypotheses, the data and methods and the results as well as (preliminary) conclusions of the study. The abstract can be submitted in either Finnish or in English. The language of an oral presentation is asked when submitting an abstract. English sessions will be organized if possible.

Whether you would like to propose a thematic session, you should submit an abstract of the session that describes the background, aims and presentations as well as presenters to be included in the session. In addition, each presenter should submit an individual abstract of their presentation.

Please submit your abstract max 300 words by 2.6. using this link.

Check the instructions for posters and oral presentations here.


  • Abstract submission open: 1.5.2023
  • Deadline for abstract submission: 2.6.2023
  • Registration open: 1.6.2023
  • Acceptance of the presentations: The week starting from 19.6.2023
  • Registration ends: 17.9.2023