Programme of the Conference of Effectiviness 2021

Programme of the Conference of Effectiviness 2021

Sessions and plenaries with only an English title are in English. See full programme in Finnish.

Conference is organized online via Zoom. Links and instructions will be sent to registered participants. Zoom-links are also found in the Finnish programme site.

TUESDAY October 5th

9.00 – 9.15 Vaikuttavuuden tutkimuksen päivien avaaminen (Opening of the Conference of Effectiveness Research)

Acting Deputy Mayor Jari Saarinen, city of Kuopio

9.15 – 10.15 PLENARY

“Contributions of geographic information systems to spatial epidemiology”
Dr. Eric Delmelle, associate professor, Department of Geography & Earth Sciences, University of North Caroline


SESSION 1 Hoidon ja terveyspalveluiden vaikuttavuus (osa 1) (Effectiveness of care and health services (part 1))

SESSION 2 Register data in effectiveness research, chair Reijo Sund (UEF)

  • Impact of COVID-19 pandemic in health services of coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes patients in North Karelia – Spatial approach, Teppo Repo
  • Prevalence of oral anticoagulant use among people with and without Alzheimer’s disease, Barkat Babar
  • Statin discontinuation stratified by primary and secondary prevention in persons with and without Alzheimer’s disease, Mai Vu
  • Disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs and risk of Parkinson’s disease: nested case-control study of people with rheumatoid arthritis, Anne Paakinaho

SESSION 3 Sosiaalityön ja hyvinvointipalveluiden vaikuttavuus (Effectiveness of social work and wellbeing services), keynote Aila-Leena Matthies

SESSION 4 Kuntoutuksen vaikuttavuus (osa 1) (Effectiveness of rehabilitation (part 1))

12.00 – 13.00 LUNCH


SESSION 5 Vaikuttavuuden mittaaminen ja tutkimusasetelmat (Measurement and study designs of effectiveness research), keynote Miika Linna

SESSION 6 Effectiveness of care and health services, chair Emma Aarnio (UEF)

  • Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on health service usage among patients with type 2 diabetes in North Karelia, Finland, Laura Inglin
  • Internet-based lifestyle intervention to prevent type 2 diabetes through healthy habits: secondary analysis of long-term user engagement trajectories of randomized controlled trial, Piia Lavikainen
  • New hypertension and quality of life, Aapo Tahkola
  • How are the benefits of a regional chronic care quality monitoring system generated? – Clinical professionals’ perspective, Iiris Hörhammer

SESSION 7 Kuntoutuksen vaikuttavuus (osa 2) (Effectiveness of rehabilitation (part 2))

14.30 – 15.00 Coffee break, poster session

15.00 – 16.00 PLENARY

“Resilienssi, kriisivalmius ja terveydenhuoltojärjestelmä” (Resilience, crisis preparedness, and the healthcare system)
Adjunct professor Liina-Kaisa Tynkkynen, assistant professor (tenure track), Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University


9.00 – 10.00 PLENARY

CANCELED ”Vaikuttava kriisiviestintä ja kriisiresilienssi” (Effective crisis communication and crisis resilience)
Crisis researcher Maarit Pedak, Doctor of social sciences, Master of economic sciences, University of Helsinki


SESSION 8 Asiakas- ja potilasturvallisuus (Customer and patient safety), keynote Hanna Kuusisto

SESSION 9 Lainsäädännön ja politiikkatoimien vaikuttavuus (Effectiveness of law, legislation, and political actions)

SESSION 10 Effectiveness of social work and wellbeing services & Measurement and study designs of effectiveness research, chair Elisa Tiilikainen (UEF)

  • A scoping review on the parenting practices of families with a refugee background living in Finland; implications for family integration and provision of appropriate community services, Natalie Joubert
  • The dilemma of social impact measurement in social enterprises, Outi Vehka-aho
  • Real effectiveness and data governance, Petteri Mussalo
  • Can effectiveness really be ‘measured’ in health and social care? Neill Booth

SESSION 11 Hoidon ja terveyspalveluiden vaikuttavuus (osa 2) (Effectiveness of care and health services (part 2))

11.45 – 12.45 LUNCH

12.45 – 13.45 PLENARY

”Kuinka luopua vähähyötyisestä hoidosta” (How an ineffective practice can be discontinued?)
Professor Miia Turpeinen, Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics, University of Oulu

13.45 – 14.45 Yhteenveto tutkimuspäivistä ja kutsu vuoden 2022 Vaikuttavuuden tutkimuksen päiville (Wrap-up of the conference & welcome to the Conference of Effectiveness Research in 2022)
Research director Tomi Mäki-Opas, House of Effectiveness, University of Eastern Finland