Projects on Global Climate Change Law
We are currently conducting research on topics relevant to climate change law, including democracy, air pollution, carbon offsets and credits, the European Green Deal, and climate justice for a just transition. Drawing on our legal expertise, we work in multidisciplinary teams on the following research:
Completed projects
Transformative Transparency? Assessing the Effects of Reporting and Review in the International Climate Change Regime, Transclim (2020-2023)
Novel soil management practices for sustainable bioeconomy and climate change mitigation, Sompa (2018 – 2023)
Circular Economy Catalysts, Cicat (2018 – 2023)
Pathways to Breaking the Fossil Fuel Lock-in
Carbon and environmental footprints in public procurement – law and measuring), Hilmi
Slowing Down Climate Change: Combining Climate Law and Climate Science to Identify the Best Options to Reduce Emissions of Short-lived Climate Forcers in Developing Countries, ClimaSlow (2017-2022)
Jean Monnet Network on Governing the EU’s Climate and Energy Transition in Turbulent Times, GovTran (2018-2021)
The Law of the Green Developmental State: State Shareholders in Climate Governance (2019 – 2022)