Oil Bosses Call Phasing Out Fossil Fuels a ‘Fantasy’ – but an International Agreement is Plausible
By Harro van Asselt, Professor of Climate Law and Policy, Lauri Peterson, Senior Researcher, and Panagiotis Fragkos, Researcher, Energy & Economy, National Technical University of Athens. First published in The Conversation on 9 April 2024. Amin Nasser, chief executive of the world’s largest oil company Saudi Aramco, recently called on nations to “abandon the fantasy” […]
“Historic” or “Historic Failure”? Fossil Fuels at COP28
By Harro van Asselt, Professor of Climate Law and Policy. First published in the EJIL:Talk! Blog on 28 December 2023. Another climate change COP has come and gone. As has become quite common by now, a complex set of intergovernmental negotiations are ultimately reduced to a fight over one particular issue. At the UN Climate Change Conference […]

It’s the politics, stupid! How to make fossil fuel subsidy reform happen
Harro van Asselt & Jakob Skovgaard. Harro van Asselt, PhD (VU University Amsterdam, cum laude), is a Professor of Climate Law and Policy with the University of Eastern Finland Law School, and a Senior Research Fellow with the Stockholm Environment Institute. Photo by Callum Shaw on Unsplash. Fossil fuel subsidies strain public budgets and contribute […]