Legal transformations in an era of globalization: the case of REDD+
By Eugenia Recio Piva, Postdoctoral Researcher in Climate Law and Policy (Author’s Note: This blog post is based on my recently defended article-based PhD titled Legal Transformations in an Era of Globalization: the case of REDD+) Forests are critical in ensuring the integrity of the world’s ecosystems and the wellbeing of humanity. Scientists say that […]

Saving the world’s forests: What’s (international) law got to do with it?
Eugenia Recio. Photo by Vista Wei on Unsplash. Natural forests, particularly in tropical regions, are essential for life. They are pools of biodiversity, contribute to combating climate change by storing carbon, and sustain the livelihoods of many indigenous and local communities across the world. In the past weeks, however, worrying images of record-breaking fires destroying […]

Rainforests in the Paris Agreement- Old wine, new bottles?
Maria Eugenia Recio, Researcher, MPhil, Environmental and Climate Change Law. Photo by Jason Miller on Unsplash. Merely a year after its adoption, the landmark Paris climate change treaty came into effect on 4 November 2016. Its Parties are currently convening for the first time in Marrakesh, Morocco. These are clearly important steps for the United Nations climate change […]