Climate Initiatives and Research Facilitating the Expansion of High-integrity Voluntary Climate Action
By Lauri Peterson, Senior Researcher In recent years, various initiatives have emerged aimed at promoting voluntary climate action (VCA). Put simply, VCA consists of efforts and measures that businesses and governments undertake of their own accord, without being legally mandated or required to do so by regulatory frameworks to tackle climate change. An increasing number […]

Five takeaways on international climate cooperation from the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report on mitigation
By Harro van Asselt, Professor of Climate Law and Policy. First published in the NDC Aspects blog on 7 April 2022. The latest report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) underscores once again why this is a critical decade for climate action: to keep global warming below 1.5°C with a chance of more than […]

Sámi Council resistance to a solar radiation management experiment highlights the complex questions surrounding climate geoengineering and consent
By Aaron Cooper. Aaron Cooper is a PhD researcher in Law at the CCEEL of the University of Eastern Finland, and lecturer in Law at Coventry University. This blog post is based on an original analysis piece posted on the Arctic Institute website. Photo by Timo Horstschaefer on Unsplash In a recent Reddit ‘Ask Me […]

Taking stock of EU climate governance: key challenges
By Sebastian Oberthür. Photo by Giovanni Bianchi on Unsplash. EU climate governance has made significant progress over the past years, including an acceleration under the European Commission’s European Green Deal launched in 2019. Nevertheless, the European Union still has a long way to go to realise the climate and sustainability transition, which will require perseverance […]

The role of law in securing resilience of water, energy and food systems
Kaisa Huhta, Antti Belinskij and Niko Soininen. Photo by Hugh Whyte on Unsplash. Climate change, population growth and economic and technological development are significant challenges for natural resources management. Governing limited resources requires that the interlinkages between natural resource sectors are adequately acknowledged and addressed. Such interlinkages are particularly clear between the water, energy and food sectors. […]