The ICJ Advisory Opinion on Climate Change: December 2024 Hearings
By Eugenia Recio, Post-doctoral Researcher Photo by Rafael Ishkhanyan on Unsplash The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is set to play a significant role in the legal response to climate change. The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) resolution spearheaded by Vanuatu and supported by over 100 countries, requested the ICJ to provide an advisory opinion […]

Taking stock of the stocktake: Reflections from the Bonn Technical Dialogue
By Nicola Sharman, Early Stage Researcher and Harro van Asselt, Professor of Climate Law and Policy From 6-16 June, government officials and other delegates, including experts, non-governmental organisations, business representatives, and other non-state actors met in Germany for the annual UN Bonn Climate Change Conference. High on the agenda was the first meeting of the […]

Saving the world’s forests: What’s (international) law got to do with it?
Eugenia Recio. Photo by Vista Wei on Unsplash. Natural forests, particularly in tropical regions, are essential for life. They are pools of biodiversity, contribute to combating climate change by storing carbon, and sustain the livelihoods of many indigenous and local communities across the world. In the past weeks, however, worrying images of record-breaking fires destroying […]