EU legislation for clean air at crossroads
By Yulia Yamineva, Docent in Climate Law & Policy (Adjunct Professor) and Delphine Misonne, Professor, Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles Air pollution has been a long-standing problem in the EU. While it has decreased over the past few decades, not least due to the EU clean air legislation and actions by national and local authorities, poor […]
Using the Paris Agreement to strengthen action on methane
by Veera Pekkarinen. This article was first published in IISD/SDG Knowledge Hub on 13 January 2021. Photo by veeterzy on Unsplash. Methane can be characterized as a “super-pollutant”. While it stays in the atmosphere only for 12 years, it is up to 86 times more powerful in warming the climate in the short term than the most […]
Time for a holistic approach to climate change and air pollution in international law
Dr Yulia Yamineva, Yamineva works as a senior researcher at CCEEL. The urgent challenges of climate change and air pollution could benefit from more integrated consideration under international law. As this blog post explains, climate change and air pollution are currently mostly addressed through separate international legal instruments and regimes. The blog post therefore identifies […]