Opinion 1:17 – the Investment Court System receives green light from the ECJ. But does it protect countries’ right to regulate mining projects?
Pekka Niemelä. Photo by Sebastian Grochowicz on Unsplash. Introduction In May 2019, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) issued Opinion 1/17 concerning the relationship between EU law and the so called investment protection rules of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between the EU and Canada. CETA’s investment protection rules seek to protect private investments made […]

Environmental cooperation under CETA
Dr. Sabaa A. Khan is Senior Researcher at CCEEL / UEF Law School. Her areas of expertise include regional trade agreements and she serves on the Joint Public Advisory Committee of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation, under an appointment by Canada’s Minister of Environment and Climate Change. Dr. Kati Kulovesi is Co-Director of CCEEL and Professor of International Law […]