Reconciling trade measures with development and sustainability concerns: The case of process and production methods
By Kateryna Holzer, Senior Researcher This blog draws on the author’s entry in the upcoming second edition of Elgar Encyclopedia of International Economic Law Trade measures taken to address air pollution, climate change, animal welfare, child labor and other non-trade-related public policy concerns are often set in relation to process and production methods (PPMs), i.e. […]
Environmental cooperation under CETA
Dr. Sabaa A. Khan is Senior Researcher at CCEEL / UEF Law School. Her areas of expertise include regional trade agreements and she serves on the Joint Public Advisory Committee of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation, under an appointment by Canada’s Minister of Environment and Climate Change. Dr. Kati Kulovesi is Co-Director of CCEEL and Professor of International Law […]
Why multilateralism matters?
Moritz Wüstenberg Junior Researcher, Energy Law. Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash. Liberal trade has faced growing resentment from several directions in recent years. The decision by the United Kingdom to withdraw from the European Union following a 2016 referendum has affected both businesses and individuals. On the other side of the Atlantic, the 2016 election of […]