Reflections on the Use of Revenues from the EU CBAM
by Kateryna Holzer, Senior Researcher In May 2023, the EU adopted a regulation on a carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM) that extends the EU emissions trading scheme (ETS) to imports from six sectors (iron and steel, aluminium, cement, fertilizers, hydrogen and electricity). The CBAM sets out an obligation for importers to purchase and surrender CBAM […]
Reconciling trade measures with development and sustainability concerns: The case of process and production methods
By Kateryna Holzer, Senior Researcher This blog draws on the author’s entry in the upcoming second edition of Elgar Encyclopedia of International Economic Law Trade measures taken to address air pollution, climate change, animal welfare, child labor and other non-trade-related public policy concerns are often set in relation to process and production methods (PPMs), i.e. […]