What is medical computing?
Medical computing is a multidisciplinary field including e.g. computer science, engineering, physics, medicine and business. In the field computational methods are used to solve certain medical problems as well as to improve medical care.
Where can I study medical computing?
If you have at least a Bachelor’s Degree from a medical computing related field, you can apply for Experts in Medical Computing advanced studies. This way you will have a possibility to update your skills fully online.
What is the EMC program?
EMC (Experts in Medical Computing) is a fully online advanced education. The goal of the program is to update the students’ skills and, with that, answer to the need of medical computing professionals.

Applicants ask
Question: Should I know how to code or understand another aspects of computer science?
Answer: Coding skill is not necessary. It is recommended for some of the courses in the program, but this can be taken into account in your personal study plan. As for another aspects of computer science, the program offers an overview about the most relevant ones.
Q: I have background in pharmacy (or in similar field), is it OK for me to participate in the program?
A: We require at least a Bachelor’s degree (or similar) in computer science or in fields such as physics, medical physics/engineering, information technology, health care or business studies. In this understanding, for example pharmacy background is sufficient.
Q: Can I study besides work?
A: Yes, because the program is fully online and doesn’t require full-time studying. However, please consider if your current situation allows the studies to be added to your schedule.
Q: In this kind of online program, do I have to study fully alone?
A: No, we offer the means to connect with other students of the program.
Q: Can I study more than 30 credits of online courses?
A: Please start with the courses that have higher priority to your interest. 30 credits is optimal, but we have received a permission from the study services to go over the credit limit. You are allowed to study other relevant courses.
Q: What are the minimum credits per semester to get benefits from KELA and to have the study right remaining?
A: The official answer of UEF to this is under the inquiry. Concerning the benefits, you must gain 5 credits per study month.
Q: How long is the practical training and can I do it remotely?
A: You get 25 credits from the training, it equals about 4 months of work. You can discuss about the possibility to do remote work with the company providing the training position.
Q: For my practical training, can I work in a company outside the EMC selection? How about in the company I’m currently working at?
A: Yes and yes, as long as your position meets the goals of the program. Activity in finding the suitable internship position is strongly encouraged.