Is Glyphosate safe? We have the right to know
Emilia Korkea-aho and Päivi Leino. Korkea-Aho is Associate Professor of European Law and Legislative Studies (1.1.2018 onwards) and Leino is Professor of International and European Law at UEF Law School. Photo by Sangga Rima Roman Selia on Unsplash. In November 2017, after a great deal of political maneuvering, the EU Member States decided to extend authorization […]
The Bonn Climate Conference 2017- Progress on the implementation of the Paris Agreement and higher ambition?
Kati Kulovesi, Professor of International Law & Co-Director of the Centre for Climate, Energy and Environmental Law. The latest round of United Nations climate negotiations concluded on 18 November 2017 in Bonn, Germany. What is the state of international climate policy after the meeting and what lies ahead for 2018 and beyond? The negotiations in Bonn were […]
Time for a holistic approach to climate change and air pollution in international law
Dr Yulia Yamineva, Yamineva works as a senior researcher at CCEEL. The urgent challenges of climate change and air pollution could benefit from more integrated consideration under international law. As this blog post explains, climate change and air pollution are currently mostly addressed through separate international legal instruments and regimes. The blog post therefore identifies […]
Controversy over EU’s LULUCF accounting rules
Seita Romppanen, Romppanen works at the UEF Law School as a Senior Lecturer in International Environmental Law. Photo by Sebastian Unrau on Unsplash. In July 2016, the European Commission issued a legislative proposal on how to include the land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) sector in the EU’s climate and energy framework for the 2021-2030 period. […]
Ecological futurists at work- Moving forward on global ocean governance
Dr. Sabaa A. Khan, Postdoctoral Researcher. The UN Ocean Conference took place from 5 to 9 June 2017 at the UN Headquaters in New York. The historic Conference closed just a few weeks prior to the fourth session of the Preparatory Committee established by UN General Assembly Resolution 69/292 on development of a new legally-binding instrument […]
More time for an energy revolution? Seizing the opportunity to slow down climate change by cutting emissions of short-lived climate pollutants
Kati Kulovesi, Yulia Yamineva and Veera Jerkku. There is an important ‘ambition gap’ between the climate change mitigation policies pledged by countries in context of the Paris Agreement and those needed to avoid dangerous climate change. Discussions on ways to step up climate change mitigation efforts commonly focus on ways to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. These indeed […]
Volatile relations: EU-Russia energy regulation
Moritz Wüstenberg, Junior Researcher, European Law. Photo by Federico Beccari on Unsplash. The World Trade Organization (WTO) is often seen as a curiosity generally associated with globalization. The WTO as we know it today has developed in its 70 year’s history from a provisionally applied interim agreement (the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade or “GATT”) to […]
The evolving international gas industry- A brief comment on decarbonisation and matters arising
Tade Oyewunmi, Doctoral Researcher, Photo by Martin Adams on Unsplash. In a forthcoming paper on the topic- ‘Examining the Instrumental Role of Regulation in the Development of Gas Supply Markets: Highlights from the US and EU’ (2017)[1] I considered the effectiveness of regulation in the path towards restructuring and the development of competitive gas markets in which parallel policy objectives such […]
A nudge towards low-emission mobility – A glance at the AFI Directive’s approach to end oil dependence in the European transport sector
Sara Kymenvaara, Researcher, Climate Change Law, LL.M. Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash. A famous metaphor on climate change politics refers to people’s unrelenting driving of SUVs, disconnected from the threat of climate change they are contributing to. Although a lot has changed on the political arena with the entry into force of the Paris Agreement on […]
Reflections on rhetoric- Discussing ‘sustainable development’ in northern regions at Arctic Circle Forum 2016
Dr. Sabaa A. Khan, Postdoctoral Researcher. The fourth Arctic Circle Forum took place in Canada from 11 to 13 December 2016, hosted by the Government of Quebec. The Forum compliments the larger Arctic Circle Assembly held in Reykjavik, Iceland, each year. Its objective is to convene international stakeholders to consider specialized issues pertaining to Arctic cooperation. […]