Volatile relations: EU-Russia energy regulation
Moritz Wüstenberg, Junior Researcher, European Law. Photo by Federico Beccari on Unsplash. The World Trade Organization (WTO) is often seen as a curiosity generally associated with globalization. The WTO as we know it today has developed in its 70 year’s history from a provisionally applied interim agreement (the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade or “GATT”) to […]
The evolving international gas industry- A brief comment on decarbonisation and matters arising
Tade Oyewunmi, Doctoral Researcher, oyetade.oyewunmi@uef.fi. Photo by Martin Adams on Unsplash. In a forthcoming paper on the topic- ‘Examining the Instrumental Role of Regulation in the Development of Gas Supply Markets: Highlights from the US and EU’ (2017)[1] I considered the effectiveness of regulation in the path towards restructuring and the development of competitive gas markets in which parallel policy objectives such […]