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EU Climate Law

Climate change litigation before the European Court of Human Rights: a new dawn

By Annalisa Savaresi, Professor of International Environmental Law at University of Eastern Finland, Linnéa Nordlander, Assistant Professor of Sustainability, Climate Change, and Human Rights at University of Copenhagen, and Margaretha… Read More »Climate change litigation before the European Court of Human Rights: a new dawn

Recognizing the Right to a Healthy Environment at the Council of Europe: Why it matters 

By Corina Heri, Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Zurich, Linnéa Nordlander, Assistant Professor at University of Copenhagen, and Annalisa Savaresi, Professor at University of Stirling and Associate Professor, University of Eastern Finland. First published… Read More »Recognizing the Right to a Healthy Environment at the Council of Europe: Why it matters 

Mistä EU:n Fit for 55 -lakipaketissa on kyse ja miksi se on tärkeä?

By Kati Kulovesi and Päivi Leino-Sandberg. Julkaistu alun perin 2035Legitimacy-blogissa. Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash. Euroopan komissiolta odotetaan heinäkuussa Fit for 55-lainsäädäntöpakettia. Se sisältää ehdotukset lakimuutoksista, joiden avulla toteutetaan EU:n… Read More »Mistä EU:n Fit for 55 -lakipaketissa on kyse ja miksi se on tärkeä?

Boosting the EU’s circular economy plans by addressing links between chemicals, products and waste legislation

Topi Turunen. Topi Turunen is a PhD researcher in environmental law at CCEEL / UEF Law School and a Researcher at the Finnish Environment Institute.  Photo by Fulvio Ciccolo on… Read More »Boosting the EU’s circular economy plans by addressing links between chemicals, products and waste legislation