Mitä yhdysvaltojen Inflation Reduction Act tarkoittaa energiasektorille?
By Sirja-Leena Penttinen, Senior Lecturer at UEF Law School and an Assistant Director and Adjunct Professor at the Tulane Center for Energy Law, New Orleans, US. Tässä kirjoituksessa tarkastellaan Yhdysvalloissa vastoittain hyväksyttyä niin kutsuttua inflaation vähentämispakettia ja erityisesti sen merkittävimpiä säännöksiä koskien puhtaan energian tuotantoa. Kirjoitus perustuu kirjoittajan pian ilmestyvään artikkeliin ’Clean Energy under the […]
The Global Methane Pledge: a timely new step in global climate governance
Photo by Markus Branse on Flickr By Harro van Asselt, Professor of Climate Law and Policy and Veera Pekkarinen, PhD Researcher The latest report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) once again highlighted the need to drastically cut our greenhouse gas emissions to avert climate disruption. While for many years, measures to tackle […]
The evolving international gas industry- A brief comment on decarbonisation and matters arising
Tade Oyewunmi, Doctoral Researcher, Photo by Martin Adams on Unsplash. In a forthcoming paper on the topic- ‘Examining the Instrumental Role of Regulation in the Development of Gas Supply Markets: Highlights from the US and EU’ (2017)[1] I considered the effectiveness of regulation in the path towards restructuring and the development of competitive gas markets in which parallel policy objectives such […]