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Environmental Governance

The impact-based regulatory strategy in environmental law: Hallmark of effectiveness or pitfall for legitimacy?

By Niko Soininen, Professor of Environmental Law and Water Law, Seita Romppanen, Docent, Senior Lecturer on International Environmental Law and Senior Research Scientist at Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), Mika Nieminen,… Read More »The impact-based regulatory strategy in environmental law: Hallmark of effectiveness or pitfall for legitimacy?

Impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on environment, climate change and green energy transition

By Kateryna Holzer, Senior Researcher and Ievgeniia Kopytsia, Postdoctoral Researcher The Russian invasion of Ukraine is an unjustified and unprovoked act of aggression against an independent and sovereign state, as… Read More »Impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on environment, climate change and green energy transition

Kestävä rahoitus muuttaa sijoituspalveluyritysten sääntelyä: tarkastelussa uudistuva soveltuvuusarviointi

Dr. Mikko Rajavuori, Suomen Akatemian Tutkijatohtori ja Dr. Matti Turtiainen, Tutkimusjohtaja, Oikeustieteiden laitos. The blog post has also been published in English. Sijoituspalveluyritykset osana kestävän rahoituksen sääntelyä Kestävä rahoitus on… Read More »Kestävä rahoitus muuttaa sijoituspalveluyritysten sääntelyä: tarkastelussa uudistuva soveltuvuusarviointi

Sustainable finance and the changing regulation of investment firms: What role for the new suitability assessment criteria?

By Dr. Mikko Rajavuori, Academy of Finland Post-doctoral fellow and Dr. Matti Turtiainen, Head of UEF Law School. Sustainable finance has entered mainstream. Judged by the growing supply of funds and… Read More »Sustainable finance and the changing regulation of investment firms: What role for the new suitability assessment criteria?