Choosing Wisely -koulutussarja
Choosing Wisely International De-Implementation Research Network järjestää sarjan koulutuksia, joissa käsitellään keskeisiä de-implementaatiotutkimuksen osa-alueita. Esitelmissä keskitytään siihen, miten päästään alkuun, mahdollisiin ongelmiin, joita tutkijat kohtaavat sekä ratkaisuihin.
Neljän tapaamisen koulutussarja järjestetään vuoden 2024 aikana, joista neljäs ja viimeinen tapaaminen on 26.11. klo 16.00. Ilmoittaudu mukaan täällä lomakkeella. Zoom-linkki lähetetään ilmoittautuneille muutamaa päivää ennen tapaamista.
Katso tästä koulutussarjan aiheet ja puhujat:
- Identification of potential areas for de-implementation and measuring low-value care use – Sacha Bhatia, 9.4. klo 15.00
- Identifying barriers and facilitators to de-implementation and potential de-implementation interventions – Andrea Patey 25.6. klo 15.00
- Evaluation of de-implementation programs – Effectiveness
- Evaluation of de-implementation programs – Nicola McCleary 26.11. klo 16.00

Nicola McCleary
Scientist/Assistant Professor
SickKids Research Institute, Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto
Dr. Nicola McCleary is a Scientist in the Child Health Evaluative Sciences Program at SickKids Research Institute and an Assistant Professor in the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation at the University of Toronto. She is an Implementation Scientist, focused on identifying effective ways to support the uptake of health evidence to improve health outcomes, including implementation of evidence-based practices and de-implementation of ineffective practices. She draws on her background in psychology by framing implementation problems in relation to behaviour change. Her work focuses on i) elucidating barriers to and enablers of change in healthcare contexts to guide the selection of implementation strategies; ii) investigating mechanisms of action through which interventions operate to achieve intended impacts; and iii) exploring the cognitive processes underlying clinical practice behaviours. Dr McCleary has led projects focused on a wide range of clinical topics, including improving the provision of asthma self-management support, reducing opioid prescribing in primary care, and reducing over-use of laboratory test-ordering in hospital settings.

Andrea Patey
Senior Clinical Research Associate/Adjunct Professor
Centre for Implementation Research at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute/ School of Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Ottawa and School of Rehabilitation Therapy, Queen’s University
Dr. Andrea Patey is a Senior Clinical Research Associate within the Centre for Implementation Research at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute and an Adjunct Professor at School of Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Ottawa and School of Rehabilitation Therapy, Queen’s University. She is Co-Director of the Healthcare Improvement Fellowship at the Centre for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety/Choosing Wisely Canada. She holds a PhD in Health Psychology from City, University of London. Her research sits at the intersection of behaviour sciences and implementation research applying psychological theory and methods to explain and change health professional behaviours across a range of clinical settings. Andrea’s specific interest centres around whether implementation (starting an evidence-based clinical practice behaviour) and de-implementation (stopping an ineffective or harmful clinical practice behaviour) differ, and correspondingly, whether interventions to target each should also differ. The broad objectives of her research are to promote the use of theory and rigorous methods to improve the delivery of evidence-based healthcare through the development and evaluation of complex behaviour change interventions.

Sacha Bhatia
Senior Vice President
Ontario Health
Dr. Bhatia is the Senior Vice President, Population Health and Value-based Health Systems, at Ontario Health. Previously, he was Chief Medical Innovation Officer and Interim Executive Lead of Academics at Women’s College Hospital (WCH), as well as the F. M. Hill Chair in Health Systems Solutions and the Division Head of Cardiology. He is also a staff cardiologist at University Health Network, a scientist at the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences, and an Associate Professor at the University of Toronto. In 2013, Sacha co-founded the WCH Institute for Health System Solutions and Virtual Care, where he served as Director until 2019. He has published more than 140 peer-reviewed papers in prestigious international journals, including the New England Journal of Medicine, the Journal of the American Medical Association, and the British Medical Journal.