Opportunities for strengthening international action on ocean acidification through existing Multilateral Environmental Agreements
By Dr. Ellycia Harrould-Kolieb, Postdoctoral Researcher in Climate Law and Policy Ocean acidification was first recognised as an emergent threat to marine systems in 1999. Over the past two decades scientific understanding of the issue has grown exponentially and it is now well understood that changing ocean chemistry due to the absorption of anthropogenic carbon […]
The UN Human Rights Council recognizes the right to a healthy environment and appoints a new Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and Climate Change. What does it all mean?
UN Photo/Jean-Marc Ferré
Mennäänkö metsään? Metsillä on haastava rooli EU:n ja Suomen ilmastotaistelussa
Dr. Seita Romppanen, yliopistonlehtori, kv-ympäristöoikeus. Julkaistu alun perin 2035Legitimacy-blogissa. EU:n Fit for 55 -lainsäädäntöpaketissa ehdotetut uudistukset kytkisivät metsät ja metsien tulevan käytön nykyistä selkeämmin osaksi kokonaisvaltaisia ilmastotoimia. Metsäsektorin rooli ilmastotavoitteiden saavuttamisessa on korvaamaton, mutta sektorin säätäminen yhä keskeisemmäksi osaksi ilmastopolitiikkaa on haastavaa. Uudistuksien tarkoituksena on ohjata kohti aiempaa tiukempia ilmastotoimia metsissä ja vahvistaa metsäsektorin osallistumista […]
Product policies for the circular economy – a guided tour with recommendations
Photo by SHARE NOW on Unsplash Antti Jukka, Harri Kalimo, Eleanor Mateo, and Mirella Miettinen The transition to a circular economy is expected to bring significant environmental, economic, and societal benefits, but it demands rethinking a fundamental unit of the economy – the product. Four key areas of product policy Policymakers agree that a […]
Better than best available: does environmental permitting spur environmental innovations in Finland?
Photo by Matt Ridley on Unsplash Mirella Miettinen and Saara Österberg In Finland, two recent cases from the minerals sector – Dragon Mining Ltd and Batteries Materials Finland Ltd – have indicated that there are ambiguities in the requirement for the best available technique (BAT) in the environmental permitting process. Dragon Mining operated a gold […]
Environmental human rights in Kenya: between promise and reality
By Rosemary Mwanza, PhD student at the UEF Law School. Photo by pisauikan on Unsplash. This blog post is based on my recently published article entitled ‘Toxic Spaces, Community Voices, and the Promise of Environmental Human Rights in Kenya: Lessons on the Owino Uhuru Pollution Incident’, appearing in the Nordic Journal of Human Rights. The […]
Environmental cooperation under CETA
Dr. Sabaa A. Khan is Senior Researcher at CCEEL / UEF Law School. Her areas of expertise include regional trade agreements and she serves on the Joint Public Advisory Committee of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation, under an appointment by Canada’s Minister of Environment and Climate Change. Dr. Kati Kulovesi is Co-Director of CCEEL and Professor of International Law […]
Doughnut law – Environmental law for the anthropocene?
Niko Soininen. Niko Soininen currently works as a Postdoctoral Researcher in Ocean Governance Law at University of Gothenburg and Senior Lecturer in Environmental law and Jurisprudence at UEF Law School/CCEEL. In the fall of 2018, Soininen will start as an Assistant Professor (sustainable law, governance and regulation) at University of Helsinki. Photo by Anastasiia Chepinska […]
Boosting the EU’s circular economy plans by addressing links between chemicals, products and waste legislation
Topi Turunen. Topi Turunen is a PhD researcher in environmental law at CCEEL / UEF Law School and a Researcher at the Finnish Environment Institute. Photo by Fulvio Ciccolo on Unsplash. The European Union (EU) is seeking to make the European economy more sustainable through its Circular Economy Action Plan. The interface between chemical, products […]
Introducing the CCEEL Blog and CCEEL activities on climate law
Kati Kulovesi, Co-Director of CCEEL and Professor of International Law. Harro van Asselt, Professor of Climate Law and Policy. The past few weeks have been remarkable for the evolution of international climate law. A month ago, the Paris Agreement obtained the required ratifications both in terms of the number of countries and their share of global greenhouse gas […]