Mennäänkö metsään? Metsillä on haastava rooli EU:n ja Suomen ilmastotaistelussa
Dr. Seita Romppanen, yliopistonlehtori, kv-ympäristöoikeus. Julkaistu alun perin 2035Legitimacy-blogissa. EU:n Fit for 55 -lainsäädäntöpaketissa ehdotetut uudistukset kytkisivät metsät ja metsien tulevan käytön nykyistä selkeämmin osaksi kokonaisvaltaisia ilmastotoimia. Metsäsektorin rooli ilmastotavoitteiden saavuttamisessa on korvaamaton, mutta sektorin säätäminen yhä keskeisemmäksi osaksi ilmastopolitiikkaa on haastavaa. Uudistuksien tarkoituksena on ohjata kohti aiempaa tiukempia ilmastotoimia metsissä ja vahvistaa metsäsektorin osallistumista […]

The Global Methane Pledge: a timely new step in global climate governance
Photo by Markus Branse on Flickr By Harro van Asselt, Professor of Climate Law and Policy and Veera Pekkarinen, PhD Researcher The latest report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) once again highlighted the need to drastically cut our greenhouse gas emissions to avert climate disruption. While for many years, measures to tackle […]

Just Transition in national climate law: Lessons from Scotland
Photo by Carl Jorgensen on Unsplash Nicola Sharman The concept of just transition is going to play an increasingly prominent role in climate mitigation policy as global decarbonisation processes gather pace. Legal recognition of the concept remains limited, yet Scotland – where COP26 takes place – has positioned itself as a global leader in this […]

Product policies for the circular economy – a guided tour with recommendations
Photo by SHARE NOW on Unsplash Antti Jukka, Harri Kalimo, Eleanor Mateo, and Mirella Miettinen The transition to a circular economy is expected to bring significant environmental, economic, and societal benefits, but it demands rethinking a fundamental unit of the economy – the product. Four key areas of product policy Policymakers agree that a […]

Better than best available: does environmental permitting spur environmental innovations in Finland?
Photo by Matt Ridley on Unsplash Mirella Miettinen and Saara Österberg In Finland, two recent cases from the minerals sector – Dragon Mining Ltd and Batteries Materials Finland Ltd – have indicated that there are ambiguities in the requirement for the best available technique (BAT) in the environmental permitting process. Dragon Mining operated a gold […]

Mistä EU:n Fit for 55 -lakipaketissa on kyse ja miksi se on tärkeä?
By Kati Kulovesi and Päivi Leino-Sandberg. Julkaistu alun perin 2035Legitimacy-blogissa. Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash. Euroopan komissiolta odotetaan heinäkuussa Fit for 55-lainsäädäntöpakettia. Se sisältää ehdotukset lakimuutoksista, joiden avulla toteutetaan EU:n tavoite vähentää kasvihuonekaasupäästöjä 55:llä prosentilla vuoden 1990 tasosta vuoteen 2030 mennessä. Mikä on paketin tärkein anti ja miten se vaikuttaa Suomeen? Entä miten pakettia koskevia […]

Environmental human rights in Kenya: between promise and reality
By Rosemary Mwanza, PhD student at the UEF Law School. Photo by pisauikan on Unsplash. This blog post is based on my recently published article entitled ‘Toxic Spaces, Community Voices, and the Promise of Environmental Human Rights in Kenya: Lessons on the Owino Uhuru Pollution Incident’, appearing in the Nordic Journal of Human Rights. The […]

The case for an EU grand climate strategy
By Sebastian Oberthür and Claire Dupont. First published as an Opinion on EURACTIV, 10 June 2021. Photo by Christian Lue on Unsplash. The time has come for the EU to move its international climate leadership to the next stage and upgrade the external dimension of the European Green Deal by developing an integrated EU grand climate […]

Where do countries stand in UN climate negotiations after 2020?
By Dr Yulia Yamineva, Senior Researcher, and Dr Jen Allan, Lecturer at Cardiff University, UK. Photo credit: IISD/Earth Negotiations Bulletin The UN Convention on Climate Change is holding its intersessional meetings from 31 May to 17 June in a virtual mode. This is the first official meeting since the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic as only […]

Friends of the Earth (Netherlands) v Royal Dutch Shell: Human rights and the obligations of corporations in the Hague District Court decision
By Annalisa Savaresi and Margaretha Wewerinke-Singh. First published in The Global Network for Human Rights and the Environment (GNHRE) blog on 31 May 2021. Photo by Lawrence Makoona on Unsplash. After its landmark ruling in the Urgenda case in 2015, on 25 May 2021 the Hague District Court marked another milestone in the history of climate litigation worldwide by ordering Royal […]