
The main contact information of Center for Photonics Sciences is listed below.

You can find detailed contact information of most people in UEF Connect.

Under each research topic, you can find the list of team members. Many of our researchers contribute to several topics and are a part of several teams.

For your convenience we have made a comprehensive list of people in Center for Photonics Sciences.

Mailing address:
Center for Photonics Sciences
University of Eastern Finland
P.O.Box 111

Switchboard: +358 294 45 1111


Head of the Center for Photonics Sciences:
Professor Jyrki Saarinen
+358 50 595 4348

Research sites:
Department of Physics and Mathematics
Yliopistokatu 7, Metria building, Joensuu

Department of Chemistry
Yliopistokatu 7, Futura building, Joensuu

Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences
Yliopistokatu 7, Natura building, Joensuu

School of Computing
Länsikatu 15, Joensuu Science Park, Building 2, Joensuu

Department of Technical Physics
Yliopistonranta 1 F, Melania building, 70210 Kuopio

SIB Labs
Länsikatu 15, Joensuu Science Park, Building 2, Joensuu
Yliopistonranta 1E, Snellmania building, 70210 Kuopio