Below is the Center for Photonics Sciences’ list of the devices, for which companies can rent usage-time. In our pricing, we follow the University of Eastern Finland’s official price lists, which are checked annually.
The usage of the devices requires training, and possibly also special equipment. For example, working in the cleanroom requires special clothing.
For more information on the devices, on how to rent usage-time for them, and on the specific renting conditions, you will find the contact person in each group of devices.

- Custom-made 3D printer based on Luxexcel’s Printoptical© technology (proprietary inkjet printing technology)
- Mayku vacuum former
- Redsail X700 laser cutter
- Ultimaker 3D printer based on Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) / Material extrusion
- Several LCD based SLA 3D printers (Anycubic photon, Phrozen Shuffle, Phrozen Sonic Mini 4K)
Contact person:
Petri Karvinen, Research Manager
tel: +358 50 324 7678
Petri Karvinen – UEFConnect
- Bruker Vertex 70 infrared spectrometer (transmittance, ATR; 4000-650 cm-1 / 2,5-15,38 µm)
- Fluorescence microscope Zeiss Axioscope A1
- Fully motorized zoom macroscope Leica Z6 APO
- Hitachi S-4800 scanning electron beam microscope
- Thermo Electron Noran System Six 200 EDS detector
- Metricon 2010/M prism coupler
- Newton 970 EMCCD + Kymera 193i spectrograph
- Nikon MA200 inverted microscope
- Panasonic UA3P 3100 high accuracy 3D surface profilometer
- PTMTEC R2R100UV roll-to-roll printer
- Renishaw inVia confocal Raman microscope (lasers 514 nm, 785 nm) and probe (785 nm)
- T200-Auto4 contact angle measurement
- VASE spectral ellipsometer capable for 260 – 2060 nm wavelength range
- Zeiss LEO 1550 scanning electron beam microscope
- Alicona Mex-3D for SEM image metrology software
Contact person:
Pertti Pääkkönen, Senior Laboratory Manager
tel: +358 50 505 6376
Pertti Pääkkönen – UEFConnect
- CMOS camera (Andor Zyla)
- FLIR SC2200 (thermal camera; 1000 – 2500 nm)
- FLIR SC7600 (thermal camera; 1500 – 5000 nm)
- Modified CCD camera for Deep UV imaging (Andor iKon-M, 200 – 1000 nm)
- Modified Nikon D7000 DSLR cameras: Visible + Near infrared, (400-1000 nm and ultraviolet only (300 – 400 nm)
- Photometrics PRIME BSI (cooled monochrome camera; 2048 x 2048 pixels)
- QImaging Retiga 4000DC (cooled monochrome camera; 2048 x 2048 pixels)
- Sensitive EMCCD camera with liquid cooling (Andor Ixon Ultra 888)
- Thermal camera FLIR E8 (320 x 240 pixels)
- Xenics Xeva (cooled monochrome camera, near-infrared range; 320 x 256 pixels, 900 – 1700 nm)
Contact person:
Pertti Pääkkönen, Senior Laboratory Manager
tel: +358 50 505 6376
Pertti Pääkkönen – UEFConnect
- Cobolt Blues 25 mW solid state laser at 437 nm
- Cobolt Samba 25 mW solid state laser at 532 nm
- Cobolt Twist 25 mW solid state laser at 457 nm
- Cobolt Zouk 10 mW solid state laser at 355 nm
- Continuum Surelite II nanosecond laser at 1064 nm
- Innolight Mephisto 300 mW solid state laser at 1064 nm
- LaserVision OPO/OPA 12 mJ tunable at 1.5 – 3.5 µm
- Lotis Tii 15 mJ nanosecond laser at 532 nm
- Millenia Pro 5s JS 5W solid state laser at 532 nm
- Quantronix Integra C 3.5mJ femtosecond laser at 800 nm
Contact person:
Pertti Pääkkönen, Senior Laboratory Manager
tel: +358 50 505 6376
Pertti Pääkkönen – UEFConnect
- Beneq TFS-200 Atomic Layer Deposition system
- Disco DAD3240 wafer dicing saw
- Electron beam patterning tool EBPG5000+ES
- Inseto PE50XL plasma asher
- Jenoptik EFNI-01 Nickel electroplater
- Kurt J. Lesker custom nanocarbon reactor
- Kurt J. Lesker LAB 18 Physical Vapour Deposition
- Moorfield MiniLab 026 vacuum evaporator and DC sputter coater
- Obducat EITRE-3 Nanoimprint lithography system
- OptiCoat ST 22 spin coater
- OptiSpin SST 20 spin developer
- Oxford Instruments Plasmalab Cobra 100 RIE/ICP etching system
- Oxford Instruments Plasmalab 80 RIE/ICP etching system
- PTMTEC R2R100UV roll-to-roll printer
- Quorum Q300T sputter coater
- Raith EBPG5000+ES electron beam writer
- Genisys GmbH BEAMER software for electron beam data generation
Contact person:
Pertti Pääkkönen, Senior Laboratory Manager
tel: +358 50 505 6376
Pertti Pääkkönen – UEFConnect
- Oriel CornerStone CS130-USB-1-MC (200 – 1200 nm)
Spectral cameras
- Cri Nuance EX (portable; absolute or relative reflection/transmission/emission; 1392 x 1040 pixels, 450 – 950 nm, 10 nm steps)
- Cri Nuance VIS (portable; absolute or relative reflection/transmission/emission; 1392 x 1040 pixels, 420 – 720 nm, 10 nm steps)
- FluxData FD-1665-MS7 (video camera; absolute or relative reflection/transmission/emission; 1392 x 1040 pixels, 7 spectral bands, 400 – 950 nm, 30 frames/s)
- Specim ImSpector N25E (reflectance; 1000 – 2500 nm)
- Specim ImSpector V10E (reflectance; 400 – 1000 nm)
- Specim IQ (portable; absolute or relative reflection/transmission/emission; 512 x 512 pixels, 400 – 1000 nm)
- FLAME-S-VIS-NIR-ESFLAME-S-VIS-NIR-ES (fiber spectrometer; spectral measurements; 350 – 1000 nm)
- Hamamatsu PMA-11 (fiber spectrometer; spectral measurements; 200 – 950 nm)
- Hamamatsu PMA-12 (fiber spectrometer; spectral measurements; 200 – 950 nm)
- Specim V10 + optical fibers (multi-point spectral measurements, 40 optical fibers; 400 – 1000 nm)
- Konica-Minolta CL-500A (spectral measurements; 380 – 780 nm)
- Perkin Elmer Lambda-18 (spectral reflectance, transmittance, and absorbance measurements; 250 – 900 nm)
- Perkin Elmer Lambda-9 (spectral reflectance, transmittance, and absorbance measurements; 250 – 2000 nm)
- Perkin Elmer Lambda 1050 (reflectance, transmittance, and absorbance measurements; 175 – 2500 nm)
- Perkin Elmer Lambda FL-8500 (spectral fluorescence measurements; 200 – 900 nm)
- Perkin Elmer Lambda 900 UV/Vis/NIR spectrometer (solid state reflectance and transmittance 780 – 2500 nm, liquid state absorbance and transmittance, 780 – 3300 nm)
- Konica-Minolta CS-2000 (spectral measurements; radiometric quantities; 380 – 780 nm)
- Konica-Minolta CL-2000A Spectroradiometer (radiometric quantities; 380 – 780 nm)
Other devices
- Adjustable narrow-band (15 nm FWHM in 1 nm steps) Xenon light source with angle-tunable thin-film interference filters and liquid light guides (338 – 700 nm + IR)
- Chlorophyll-fluorescence imaging and measurement devices: PSI Closed FluorCam 800MF, Handy FluorCam FC1000H, Micro FluorCam, and FluorPens
- Cri VariSpec LCTF-filters (VIS and NIR)
- FLIR A700 LWIR camera 7.5 µm – 14 µm
- Gigahertz Optik Spectral irradiance standards 250 nm – 2500 nm
- GretagMacbeth SpectraLight III light booth (light sources: D65, A, Horizon, etc.)
- Measurement device for chlorophyll, flavonoid and anthocyanin content: Dualex Scientific+
- Specialty objectives, such as UV macro Nikon Raytrix 105 (200 – 1000 nm) and Specim OLES Macro lens for spectral imaging n the SWIR region
- Thorlabs SLS301 stabilized quartz-tungsten-halogen light source (1.6 W, 360–2700 nm / 360–3800 nm (backport))
- Wide selection of powerful UV and VIS LEDs
Contact person:
Dmitry Semenov, Research Manager
tel: +358 50 3043941
Dmitry Semenov – UEFConnect