Integrated Optics & Sensing

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We create novel components, methods, and devices by exploring new possibilities and different aspects of conventional and unconventional systems… What if there was no limit?

By combining the computing power of CSC with the cleanroom facilities of UEF and our dedicated lab, we design, fabricate, and characterize customized photonic integrated circuit from fundamentals to prototypes.

More information about our research topics is given below.

Research topics



Prof. Matthieu Roussey
Waveguides, micro- and nanostructures, sensors, photonic crystals, imaging and microscopy, spectroscopy


Dr. Tianlong Guo
Micro and nanostructured surfaces, metamaterials and metasurfaces – Design, fabrication, characterization

Dr. Ana Gebejes
Environmental monitoring, hyperspectral imaging

Dr. Isaac Doughan
Smart sensors on advanced integrated optics platforms


Ebere Onah
Design and fabrication of active waveguides

Antonin Patricio-Gomez
Smart photonic chips and advanced active devices

Janvit Tippinit
Uncommon application of arrayed waveguides

Olli Ovaskainen (in collaboration with Dispelix)
Arbitrary shaped waveguides

Sidra Muntaha (in collaboration with VTT)
Grating out-couplers on thick silicon platform for LiDAR applications

Fangfang Li
Fabrication of hybrid waveguide for environmental monitoring

Evellyn Santos Magalhaes (in collaboration with TAU)
Upconversion in active photonic glasses


Ayda Nasiri
Surface wave-assisted single molecule detection

Abdullah Mahmood
High-resolution HSI of microplastics by image fusion

Nina Leinonen
Hyperspectral imaging of microplastics in different water matrices

Alexis Marconnet
Multi-pixels gratings for selective spectral imaging

Selected recent bibliography

  • I. Doughan, K. Oyemakinwa, O. Ovaskainen, M. Roussey, “Strip-loaded Mach-Zehnder interferometer for absolute refractive index sensing,” Sci. Rep. 14:3064 (2024).
  • S. T. Muntaha, A. Hokkanen, M. Harjanne, M. Cherchi, P. Suopajärvi, P. Karvinen, M. Pekkarinen, M. Roussey, and T. Aalto, “3D Printed Lenses for Vertical Beam Collimation of Optical Phased Arrays,” 3D printing and additive manufacturing, 11 (3), e1227-e1234 (2024) DOI: 10.1089/3dp.2022.0314.
  • J. Tippinit, M. Kuittinen, M. Roussey, “Hybrid graphene-silicon arrayed waveguide gratings for controlled on-chip spectrometry,” Photonics 11, 302 (2024)
  • B. Hrovat, E. Uurasjärvi, A. Koistinen, K. Peiponen, M. Roussey, M. Viitala, “Preparation of Synthetic Micro- and Nanoplastics for Method Validation Studies,” Science of The Total Environment 925, 17182 (2024)
  • A. L. Asilevi, E. Descrovi, H. Pesonen, M. Roussey, and J. Turunen, “Multiple Bloch surface wave excitation with gratings,” Journal of the European Society: Rapid publication 20(1) (2024).
  • D. Le, A. Ranta-Lassila, T. Sipola, M. Karppinen, J. Petäjä, M. Kehusmaa, S. Aikio, T.-L. Guo, M. Roussey, J. Hiltunen, and A. Popov, “High-performance portable grating-based surface plasmon resonance sensor using a tunable laser at normal incidence,” Photonics Research 12(5) 947-958 (2024).
  • I. Doughan, A. Halder, A.L. Asilevi, M. Roussey, J. Turunen, E. Descrovi, Erica Mogni, Paolo Biagioni, Michele Celebrano, “Temporal and spectral signatures of the interaction between ultrashort laser pulses and Bloch surface waves,” APL Photonics 9, 046106 (2024).  
  • A. Gebejes, B. Kanyathare, B. Hrovat, D. Semenov, T. Itkonen, M. Keinänen, A. Koistinen, K.-E. Peiponen, M. Roussey, “Hyperspectral imaging of irregular-shaped microplastics in water,” Science of The Total Environment 944, 173811 (2024).
  • D. Le, M. Kreivi, S. Aikio, N. Heinilehto, T. Sipola, J. Petäjä, T.-L. Guo, M. Roussey, and J. Hiltunen, “Surface plasmon polariton enhanced upconversion luminescence for biosensing applications,” Nanophotonics 13(21), 3995-4006 (2024).
  • Z. Tang, T. Guo, Y. Augenstein, A. Troia, Y. Liu, M. Roussey, C. Rockstuhl, and E. Descrovi, “Coupling light into a guided Bloch surface wave using an inversely designed nanophotonic cavity,” App. Phys. Lett., 125 (18) (2024)
  • I. Doughan, A. Adler, I. Reduto, T. Aalto, M. Koivurova, M. Roussey, J. Turunen, “Modal strength of multi-mode channel waveguide determination using wavefront folding interferometer,” Scientific Reports 14:28665 (2024)
  • A. Ranta-Lassila, D. Le, T. Sipola, M. Karppinen, J. Petäjä, M. Kehusmaa, S. M. Aikio, T.-L. Guo, M. Roussey, J. A. Hiltunen, A. P. Popov, “Stress biomarker detection with a grating-coupled surface plasmon resonance sensor,” Opt. Engineering 63(11), 117103 (2024).
  • S. T. Muntaha, A. Hokkanen, M. Harjanne, M. Cherchi, P. Suopajärvi, P. Karvinen, M. Pekkarinen, M. Roussey, T. Aalto, “Optical beam steering and distance measurement experiments through optical phased array (OPA) for long-range LiDAR applications,” accepted to Optics Express (2024).



DiSiMo – Research Council of Finland project (in collaboration with VTT)


Together with JAES: project WhiFib (in collaboration with TAU)