Measuring and imaging
Measuring services
We offer surface shape and quality measurements for optical and mechanical applications.
We use white light interferometry on optical microscope and stylus profilometry for surface measurements.
Application areas include optical or mechanic component surface quality evaluation at nanometer scale resolution. Methods are suitable for slightly curved, centimeter sized transparent or opaque solid objects.
Our equipment includes:
- WYKO NT9300 optical profilometer with Phase Shift Interferometry and Vertical Scan Interferometry. Measurement range and accuracy depend on the object to be measured and measurement mode selected.
- Dektak 150 stylus profilometer up to 1 mm surface range and 0.13 % measurement accuracy.
- Panasonic UA3P 3100 high accuracy 3D surface profilometer.
A state-of-the-art coordinate measurement/surface profilometry instrument to be installed on year 2022.
In our services, we follow the official price lists of the University of Eastern Finland which are checked annually.
Contact person:
Pertti Pääkkönen, Senior Laboratory Manager
tel: +358 50 505 6376
Pertti Pääkkönen – UEF Connect
We offer a variety of microscopy measurement services for optical and mechanic applications.
Application areas include high resolution surface analysis. Methods are suitable for centimeter sized solid objects.
Our equipment includes:
- LEO 1550 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
- Leica LM DM optical microscope
- Olympus optical microscopes
In our services, we follow the official price lists of the University of Eastern Finland which are checked annually.
Contact person:
Pertti Pääkkönen, Senior Laboratory Manager
tel: +358 50 505 6376
Pertti Pääkkönen – UEF Connect
We offer reliable spectral measurement services, and accurate color-measurements of solid and liquid samples. We can measure optical reflection, transmission and absorption properties of samples with high precision in the ultraviolet, visible and infrared wavelength ranges. We can also perform spectral fluorescence measurements (ultraviolet and visible light).
An expert from the Computational Spectral Imaging group will perform all the measurements for you.
We can measure 3 samples/hour (using full wavelength range). All measurements are done optically, so the measurements will not damage the samples. Typical sample size is few cm2.
The data gained from the measurements can be used, e.g., for designing light sources and optical filters, for optimal detection of objects-of-interest in machine vision applications, for determining products’ optical reflection and transmission properties in various wavelength regions, for designing product’s color appearance for various observers under different illuminations, and for designing the fluorescence-properties of products.
- PerkinElmer Lambda 1050 spectrophotometer (spectral reflectance, transmittance, and absorbance measurements; 175 – 2500 nm)
- PerkinElmer FL-8500 spectrofluorometer (spectral fluorescence measurements; 200 – 900 nm)
- Konica-Minolta CL-2000A Spectroradiometer (380 – 780 nm)
In our services, we follow the official price lists of the University of Eastern Finland which are checked annually.
Dmitry Semenov, Research Manager
tel: +358 50 304 3941
Dmitry Semenov – UEF Connect
University of Eastern Finland, School of Computing
Länsikatu 15
FI-80110 Joensuu, Finland
We offer ellipsometry measurements for optical properties measurements of thin films.
We use visible and near infrared spectral ellipsometer for measuring material optical properties and thin film thicknesses.
Application areas include analysis of optical and thin metallic coatings. Thin means, in general, less than 5 micrometers.
Our equipment includes:
- A. Woollam VASE spectral ellipsometer capable for 260 – 2060 nm wavelength range.
In our services, we follow the official price lists of the University of Eastern Finland which are checked annually.
Contact person:
Pertti Pääkkönen, Senior Laboratory Manager
tel: +358 50 505 6376
Pertti Pääkkönen – UEF Connect
Biological and environmental imaging services / Spectromics laboratory
We offer a variety of measurement and imaging services particularly for biological and environmental applications, bio-based materials, foodstuffs and products.
Our comprehensive laboratory offers, e.g., spectral imaging, kinetic chlorophyll fluorescence imaging for photosynthetic parameters, UV imaging and various fluorescence imaging approaches.
A variety of illumination options enables measurements and imaging in the visible range of light, and in the ultraviolet and infrared wavelengths up to midwave infrared region.
Application areas include, e.g., plant phenotyping and ecophysiological studies, characterization of plant stress-responses, product quality assessments and chemical imaging.
Our state-of-the-art measurement laboratory includes, for example, the following devices:
- Line-scanning spectral cameras: Headwall UV-VIS (250 – 500 nm), Specim VNIR (400 – 1000 nm), SWIR (1000 – 2500 nm), and MWIR (3000 – 5000 nm)
- Portable spectral camera Specim IQ (400 – 1000 nm)
- Thermal camera FLIR E8 (320 x 240 pixels)
- Chlorophyll-fluorescence imaging and measurement devices: PSI Closed FluorCam 800MF, Handy FluorCam FC1000H, Micro FluorCam, and FluorPens
- Measurement device for chlorophyll, flavonoid and anthocyanin content: Dualex Scientific+
- Modified Nikon D7000 DSLR cameras: Visible + Near infrared, (400-1000 nm and ultraviolet only (300 – 400 nm)
- Fully motorized zoom macroscope Leica Z6 APO
- Fluorescence microscope Zeiss Axioscope A1
- Sensitive EMCCD camera with liquid cooling (Andor Ixon Ultra 888)
- CMOS camera (Andor Zyla)
- Modified CCD camera for Deep UV imaging (Andor iKon-M, 200 – 1000 nm)
- Adjustable narrow-band (15 nm FWHM in 1 nm steps) Xenon light source with angle-tunable thin-film interference filters and liquid light guides (338 – 700 nm + IR)
- Wide selection of powerful UV and VIS LEDs
- Specialty objectives, such as UV macro Nikon Raytrix 105 (200 – 1000 nm) and Specim OLES Macro lens for spectral imaging n the SWIR region
Contact person:
Markku Keinänen, Research manager, Professor
tel: +358 50 4422581
Markku Keinänen – UEF Connect
University of Eastern Finland
Department of environmental and biological sciences
PO Box 111, 80101 Joensuu
Yliopistokatu 7 (Natura building)
We offer reliable spectral imaging services, and accurate color-measurements of solid samples. We can obtain optical reflection properties of samples (spectral reflectance images) with high precision in the visible and near-infrared wavelength ranges. Some of our spectral cameras are portable.
An expert from the Computational Spectral Imaging group will perform all the measurements for you.
All imaging is done optically, so the measurements will not damage the samples. Typical sample sizes vary between few cm2 and 1 m2.
The data gained from the measurements can be used, e.g., for designing light sources and optical filters, for optimal detection of objects-of-interest in machine vision applications, for determining products’ optical reflection properties in various wavelength regions, and for designing product’s color appearance for various observers under different illuminations.
- Specim V10E line-scanning spectral camera (scanning-line: 2144 pixels; 400 – 1000 nm, 1080 spectral bands)
- Specim N25 line-scanning spectral camera (scanning-line: 320 pixels; 1000 – 2500 nm, 250 spectral bands)
- Nuance EX portable spectral camera (1392 x 1040 pixels; 450 – 950 nm, 51 spectral bands)
- Specim IQ portable spectral camera (512 x 512 pixels; 400 – 1000 nm, 204 spectral bands)
- FluxData FD-1665-MS7 spectral video camera (1392 x 1040 pixels; 400 – 950 nm, 7 spectral bands; 30 frames/s)
In our services, we follow the official price lists of the University of Eastern Finland which are checked annually.
Dmitry Semenov, Research Manager
tel: +358 50 304 3941
Dmitry Semenov – UEF Connect
University of Eastern Finland, School of Computing
Länsikatu 15
FI-80110 Joensuu, Finland