Enhancing digi-pedagogical skills of higher education staff and change of learning environments // Korkeakoulujen henkilöstön digipedagogisen osaamisen vahvistaminen ja oppimisympäristöjen muutos
Nov 20, 2019, Sokos Hotel Kimmel, Joensuu, Finland
To facilitate meeting the requirements of 21st century student-centered learning, it is important to strengthen higher education teachers’ digi-pedagogical skills. This includes the development of pedagogical thinking, technical infrastructures and learning environments. Importantly, any development needs to be based on rigorous assessment and research. FERA pre-conference was arranged on November 20, 2019 in Joensuu, and it explored and outlined a wide array of research and practices around digi-pedagogical learning. The program included invited presentations by professor Mien Segers (University of Maastricht) and distinguished researcher Filip Dochy. UEF DigiPeda (i.e. Flipped Learning) project was responsible for arranging the pre-conference as part of the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture funded key development project.
Additionally, a special issue, Transforming Higher Education Teaching and Learning Environments, was published in the International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research (Vol. 18, No. 13, December 2019). Submissions recognizing the topics of the Special Issue and the FERA 2019 pre-conference theme, as well as other topics regarding the development of digital teaching and supervision environments and skills in higher education, were welcome. Novel approaches to digi-pedagogical research and practices are welcomed. Despite having thematic similarities with the pre-conference, submission and publication of a manuscript did not require attendance or a presentation in the seminar.
Pre-conference persons in charge and guest editors of the special issue
Erkko Sointu, University of Eastern Finland (UEF), erkko.sointu (at) uef.fi
Laura Hirsto, University of Eastern Finland
Mari Murtonen, University of Turku
Pre-conference was organized by Flipped Learning and Verme2 (peer mentoring) projects, which were funded by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture: