Presentations at FERA pre-conference
(in the order of the schedule)
Empirical testing of 5P Learning Environment Model
Jyri Manninen
Teacher Education without Walls – New models for STEM and Teacher Education in the Digital age in Palestine
Hille Janhonen-Abruquah, Ahmad Aljanazrah, Montaser Al-Halabi, Antti Ronkainen, Teemu Valtonen
Enhancing higher education teachers’ pedagogical awareness and readiness to adopt new teaching methods and tools through the HowUTeach self-reflection tool
Liisa Postareff, Anna Parpala, Telle Hailikari
How wise is PeerWise for student assessment?
Kwok Ng
Piloting flipped methods in Engineering Mathematics courses in Tampere University
Simo Ali-Löytty, Jani Hirvonen, Terhi Kaarakka, Ilmari Puhakka, Elina Viro