Pre-conference presentations
The pre-conference was started with presentation of professor Mien Segers. Three sessions of presentations were arranged during the day, and posters were presented during coffee breaks. The day was wrapped up by the distinguished researcher Filip Dochy with reflections on the development of teaching and learning in higher education. Information about the speakers, as well as the topics of the presentations can be seen below.
Mien Segers

How to facilitate and support learning that leads to impact that lasts? The High Impacts learning that Lasts Model
Abstract: If futurologist are correct and 60% of the jobs in the near future do not exist yet, then higher education faces an interesting challenge: how to prepare for an unknown future? Starting from the participants’ memorable learning experiences, I will introduce the High Impact Learning that Lasts model and its scientific foundations. This is the step towards a team-based knowledge sharing assignment on participants’ positive experiences with the HILL model and challenges faced.
Biography: Mien Segers is full professor at the Maastricht University School of Business and Economics. Her research focuses on the question how to support and facilitate impactful learning. In this respect, together with Filip Dochy, she has developed the High Impact Learning that Lasts model. In her studies, she pays specific attention to Assessment as Learning and the role of feedback seeking and giving. In her latest projects, she explores new methodological approaches to trace online learning processes in the workplace and the use of behavioral data as input for a feedback dialogue. Her research is published in many reputed journals and books. In addition, her findings have been a source of inspiration for the innovation of many educational and training programs.
Filip Dochy

Biography: Dr. Filip Dochy worked the last 30 years as professor of research on Learning and Development in Organisations at 5 different faculties in 4 universities in Belgium and the Netherlands. Currently, he acts as a member of the Academia Europaea, the European Academy of Science.
He is also a “TOP 1% scientist” at the Universal Scientific Education and Research Network (USERN)
He is Past President of EARLI (the European Association for Research on Learning & Instruction ( He is founder of EAPRIL (, the European association for practice oriented research and innovation in organisations and he is founding editor of the Educational Research Review and Frontline Learning Research.
He wrote over 350 articles and books, of which recently: Building blocks of High Impact Learning (in Flemish; Amsterdam: Boom) and Creating impact through future learning: The High Impact Learning that Lasts Model. (London: Routledge Publishers). All info on HILL (books, videos, downloads, …):
Some of the presentations are published by the permission of the presenter, and can be viewed by clicking the title.
Title | Author/s |
Empirical testing of 5P Learning Environment Model | Jyri Manninen University of Eastern Finland, Finland |
Towards renewing education- processes in which new learning spaces are constructed and developed | Anna Kristiina Kokko & Laura Hirsto University of Eastern Finland, Finland |
Teacher Education without Walls – New models for STEM and Teacher Education in the Digital age in Palestine | Hille Janhonen-Abruquah1, Ahmad Aljanazrah2, Montaser Al-Halabi3, Antti Ronkainen4 & Teemu Valtonen4 1University of Helsinki, Finland 2Birzeit University, Palestine 3Al-Azhar University, Palestine 4University of Eastern Finland, Finland |
Title | Author/s |
Government key projects as a tool for the development of learning and teaching in Finnish universities | Riitta Pyykkö, Birgitta Vuorinen & Minna Vuorio-Lehti University of Turku, Finland |
Designing pedagogies to promote learning 21st-century skills in higher education | Hanna Vuojärvi1, Miikka Eriksson2 & Henriikka Vartiainen2 1University of Lapland, Finland 2 University of Eastern Finland, Finland |
Enhancing higher education teachers’ pedagogical awareness and readiness to adopt new teaching methods and tools through the HowUTeach self-reflection tool | Liisa Postareff1, Anna Parpala2 & Telle Hailikari2 1Häme University of Applied Sciences, Finland 2University of Helsinki, Finland |
Digitutors as peer support of teachers in the development of university teaching | Päivikki Jääskelä, Sanna Honkimäki, Kati Laine |
How wise is PeerWise for student assessment? | Kwok Ng University of Eastern Finland, Finland |
Title | Author/s |
The flipped classroom approach for teaching cross-cultural communication to millennials | Jonna Koponen University of Eastern Finland, Finland |
Piloting flipped methods in Engineering Mathematics courses in Tampere University | Simo Ali-Löytty, Jani Hirvonen, Terhi Kaarakka, Ilmari Puhakka & Elina Viro Tampere University, Finland |
Exploring students’ experiences of self-regulation and flipped classroom in a large lecture course in teacher education | Sanna Väisänen, Laura Hirsto, Anni Arffman University of Eastern Finland |
Alphabetical Order by the Family name of the 1st Author
Title | Author/s |
Flipped Learning project as a change agent in universities | Jenni Kankaanpää, Erkko Sointu, Antti Ronkainen & Laura Hirsto University of Eastern Finland, Finland |
UNIPS – University Pedagogical Support 2017-2019 | Mari Murtonen, Henna Vilppu, Hanna Nori, Samuli Laato, Heidi Salmento & Emilia Lipponen University of Turku, Finland |
To Catch The (Next) Wave: Developing English Language Teachers’ Digital Literacy | Xuan Nguyen University of Eastern Finland, Finland |