Viikon vinkki 20/2024

Osallistu livechättiin ja kesälukuvinkki: Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (LTHEChat)

Kyllä, X-Twitter on edelleen elossa! Keskiviikkoiltojen ratoksi suosittelen (Suomen aikaa klo 22.00-23.00) Briteistä ohjattavaan live-tviittichättiin tutustumista aihetunnisteella #LTHEChat. Tviittiketjujahan voi lukea jälkikäteenkin; helpoiten niihin pääsee käsiksi @LTHEChat-osoitteen kautta.

Monessa brittiläisessä korkeakoulukontekstissa LTHE-Chat on ammatillisen kehittymisen (professional development, PD) virallinen työkalu.

Tämän keskiviikon (19.6.2024) teema on Catherine Croninin ja Laura Czerniewiczin toimittaman kirjan Higher Education for Good: Teaching and Learning Futures mukaisesti ”What does good Higher Education look like?” Kirja on avoimesti luettavissa verkossa, linkki kuvan alla.

The front cover of the book 'Higher Education for Good: Teaching and Learning Futures'.

The cover has a black background and a heavily stylised artistic depiction of a silhouette of a tree swaying whilst inside of a boat on choppy seas.

Higher Education For Good is an Open Access Book and can be accessed free online here. 

Lainaus LTHEChat-nettisivun tviittichätin teeman esittelytekstistä, What does good Higher Education look like:

”Faced with the breakdown of HE sectors in so many countries, educators all over the world have grappled with keeping afloat, managing despair and finding hope. From Ireland and South Africa respectively, editors Catherine Cronin and Laura Czerniewicz put out a global call to contribute to lighting candles of optimism, imagining alternatives, shaping better futures for teaching and learning.”

”The result is a recently published open access book, Higher Education for Good: Teaching and Learning Futures in which over 70 educators from almost 30 countries express thoughts and articulate imaginaries about good HE in the future. They confront the bad in order to outline the traces of the good, they share stories of resistance and resilience, they offer inspiring examples of context-based accounts. They speak systemically and at the most local of levels.”

”The book is divided into five sections:

  1. Finding fortitude & hope 
  2. Making sense of the unknown & emergent 
  3. Considering alternative futures 
  4. Making change through teaching, assessment & learning design 
  5. (Re)making HE structures & systems”

”All in all, the book aims to answer the question “What can be done”? It aims to foster hope. This #LTHEChat is not a book review, although we do invite you to review the table of contents and read the chapters that speak most immediately to you.”